Work Smarter Not Harder: Kara Superfine

Kara Superfine Events Chicago

 “The things you take for granted, someone may be praying for.”

If you are new to Cedar & Rush, Work Smarter, Not Harder (WSNH) is a weekly column showcasing Chicago’s leading ladies – think CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and everyday women making a difference – and how they work smarter, not harder. I decided upon Monday so we can kick off the week as productive and as motivated as possible. If you love a particular piece of advice or have any tips of your ownplease share by tagging #WSNH2015 on Instagram and Twitter.

You know the first blog you ever found and it forever changed you? Well, today’s guest is who inspired me to blog! To say this in an honor, is an understatement. Kara doesn’t even know this, but it was several years ago when I stumbled upon The Art of the Occasion {her then personal website}. I thought “what is this?” “who is this?!” and “and how fun!”. I still paint my nails in Essie’s Clam Bake because of her. I continue to wear my favorite Caroline Swell earrings due to her suggestion. I even went as far as asking my bridesmaids in a similar fashion because I am a psycho she inspired me this much.  Regina George anyone?!

More importantly Kara is Chicago’s finest wedding/event planner and her voice just speaks to you. Her long employment with top event companies and strong commitment to clients has prepped her for her newest venture – Kara Supervine Events! Her reputation alone filled her calendar right out of the gate without a single launch party, social media push, or a website (gasp!)! That’s how good this little lady is. Given her tremendous power to brainstorm unique events, inspire others and find beauty in the tiniest details, I am so blessed to introduce you to her now! Kara, thank you for joining us today and I will let you take it from here. She’s going to charm your pants off!

Kara, I know I already said it, but can you reiterate what it is you do? I am the owner and lead consultant of a boutique wedding & event planning firm, Kara Superfine Events.  I’ve been planning and designing weddings and special events for over 13 years.

Last year I decided to follow my dreams and start my own company.  I have loved every stinking moment of developing and running my own biz! The wedding industry in Chicago booming, so there are always a ton of great industry and networking events to participate in.

Kara Superfine Events Chicago

How did you get to where you are now? I knew it was time to take the leap when I looked back at my recent sales and saw 100% of my clients were direct referrals from either past clients, vendors or industry friends.  That helped give me the confidence to step out on my own.

My degree in horticulture and vast experience in design have proven to be hugely beneficial for couples planning their weddings.  Sure I can put together the most ridiculously detailed timeline in my sleep, but the pretty and thoughtful pieces of the wedding puzzle are what keep me obsessed with my job, after years and years!

As I may have mentioned, I LOVE what I do.  That said, I am also a momma to a pretty awesome 2 year old little boy and also LOVE being a mom.  Being a crappy wedding planner or a crappy mom are simply not options for me.  I have found by starting my own business, I am hugely efficient with my time.  I work with a smaller number of clients ensuring I can dedicate essential time to their planning needs, while also leaving time for my dreamy family.

What time do you typically get up in the morning? Always in the six o’clock hour – typically dictated by my son.  I’ve always been a morning person (5:30 AM spin & boot camp classes etc.), but I must admit, I’ve never recovered since becoming a mom.  I’ve never wished for those precious 5 more minutes more.

How do you take your coffee and what do you typically eat for breakfast? A couple of years ago, my husband got me a Nespresso latte maker.  He knew it was either a genius move or a flop – since I’ve always been quite dedicated to Starbucks.  I am hooked!  So, a homemade skim latte is a must for me.  I switch between caffeinated and decaf because I don’t ever want to be hooked, though!  My son has learned how to make my latte and it’s part of our morning ritual and something he loves.  He even knows which pods are caf vs. decaf!

Sadly, unless I’m eating out, breakfast has never been a favorite meal.  A protein bar on the go or quick Greek yogurt is all I really need.  I’ve honestly found coffee can satisfy me for the 1st few hours of the day.  (Is it time to talk dessert yet?)

Kara Superfine Events Chicago_0595

Quickly walk us through your morning routine: Seeing my son first thing is the only way to start the day.  No matter how foggy I may be, to see the smile on his face when I open his door is all the caffeine I really need.

My schedule varies immensely based on my appointment & childcare schedules.  Some days I’m glued to my desk with a zillion projects for clients, other days I’m off to the city for a day of meetings with couples and vendors.  I do try to dedicate certain days each week that are dedicated to spending time with my son.  Those days just mean longer nights at my desk and cramming during naps!

Also, because most brides work full time, I am often busy with meetings in the evenings or on the weekends.  To this day, I still feel guilty when I run an errand or grocery shop smack in the middle of the day!  I have to remind myself, that while others are snuggled on the couch watching TV with a glass of vino, I’m often still on the clock.  Making your own schedule is a trade-off.

What is the best way to get your foot in the door of your dream job? Everyone thinks they want to be a wedding or event planner, it seems!  I hear from dozens of future or recent college grads looking to break into the industry on a regular basis.

My highest recommendation is to gain experience anyway you can – and it may be a slow start!  For example, volunteer your weekends to shadow respected planners, start as an intern or assistant, etc.

I also think getting your foot in the door in any area of the industry can be hugely beneficial if your ultimate goal is to become a planner.  Working at a venue that hosts copious events a year is a great way to see a multitude of events (as well as varied vendors, planners etc.)  You’ll learn, for yourself, what you think people do right and what could be done better.  Also, working for a caterer, or design firm is another great way to get involved in the industry and gain useful experience.

And when you’re possibly one of hundreds of young ladies looking to break into the industry, you can’t underestimate the bonus of a personal referral or connection to help set you apart.

Kara Superfine Events Chicago

What resources do you use to stay organized and remember tasks? I’m a bit old school…I use a planner for business.  I use pencil vs. pen for potential vs. confirmed appointments and love that I can make a mess of it with notes and stars and circles and highlights.

I am a huge list maker.  I have one large to-do list, for everything business related, but I also have sub-lists attached to each client file, so I always know what project or task is up next.

While designing my new office, it was essential every client file, resource, book, tool, etc. had a practical place to call home.  I need to know where something is and to be able to put it away to avoid clutter.  It is so much easier to stay organized if you start with a good system and feel inspired by your surroundings.   

What mistake do you see people constantly make that they should be aware of? In the wedding world, we’re all working toward the same goal:  A  flawless, dreamy event for our clients.

The best way to achieve that is by working together and letting go of any ego.  Every client is unique and therefore, in my opinion, there is no room for cookie-cutter.  Some people aren’t as open to looking at new ways of approaching things, and I think it ultimately sets them back.

Kara Superfine Events Chicago

How do you conquer your inbox? Because I essentially provide a service to my clients (as opposed to selling goods etc.), communication is paramount.  I try to reply back as quickly as I’m able with an answer or an acknowledgement of receipt – letting them know I’m working on their details and will circle back as soon as possible.  Clients just want to know you’re not ignoring them!    

How do you format your emails? Well, admittedly, I am a bit more conversational (hmm…wordy?) in my emails, and I’ve received great feedback about my correspondence.  I plan pretty parties and, therefore, don’t feel as though I need to be quite as curt, concise and direct as my lawyer friends.  I have a special relationship with each of my clients; I get to know them very well (many become lifelong friends!).  I am genuinely interested in their lives beyond checklists and due-dates and therefore am always inquiring!

I do think it is important to break-up thoughts in various paragraphs, as to not go cross-eyed while reading – always keeping it clean and easy to follow.  I often bold different topics or use bullet points to present a number of items in the body of my emails.

That said, I’m respectful of everyone’s time and read my clients well.  I know which clients prefer I’m direct and simply cut to the chase.

Correspondence with vendors is a bit different, however.  It is SO important to me that my vendors know I respect their expertise (as opposed to being a dictator, as I’ve known some planners to be). So my emails are approachable and pleasant, often peppered with humor, but tend to be more direct.

How do you make time for working out and staying healthy? Being fit and healthy is nearly as much of a priority as my family and career.  I have to schedule a workout into my day as if it were a client appointment.

I’ve always been keen on the early morning workout.  I have found that it’s so much harder to fit it in as the chaos of the day snowballs.

Having a toddler that I can scoop up at any given moment helps my cause, as well.  I have not done a single push-up since having my son!

What are your favorite tips for keeping an organized workspace? As I mentioned, everything HAS to have it’s home – a practical one. One that works.  You have to be able to access whatever it is immediately, and therefore put it away in a jiffy to keep things tidy and organized.

I also appreciate my large workspace, as I love to spread out projects that I’m working on – color swatches, inspiration boards, checklists, etc.

Kara Superfine Events Chicago

Any other pieces of advice or tips you would like to share? 

I have a few disconnected bits:

  1. I truly believe you get the best results when you approach any situation with respect, kindness and integrity.
  2. Be sure to do all sorts of research about the industry you’re exploring or specific company you’re interested in before you reach out to a potential employer.  The wedding world is far from glamorous and you have to be willing and able to get your hands dirty:  running errands, mundane assembly tasks, paperwork upon paperwork, research and more research etc. Also, if weekends and evenings aren’t your thing…
  3. Tackle the toughest and biggest projects on your to-do list first – check them off your list and you’ll feel inspired to breeze through the easier tasks.
  4. If you invest in a career path that you are deeply passionate about, work will never feel like work.
  5. Remember, the things you take for granted, someone may be praying for.  Keep everything in perspective!Kara Superfine Events Chicago


* Favorite Apps:  Instagram, Pinterest {she has the best pins!}, Park Chicago, Cooking Light
* Favorite Resources:  Martha Stewart Weddings, HGTV, Grey Likes Weddings
* Favorite Books:   Always something easy… Rules of Civility by Amor Towles, A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams
* Favorite Websites:  Camille Styles, Elements of Style, La Dolce Vita, One Kings Lane, Cooking Light, Atlantic-Pacific,

Kara, thank you so much for personally inspiring me and being here today. We are thrilled to have you and I know only amazing things are in your future. Finger’s crossed our paths cross soon. In the meantime, we will be following you along on Instagram and of course, your gorgeous website. Congrats and a round of applause is in order. Cheers!

Up Next? Donna Hall of Donna Mondi Interior Design!

Want more? You can find all Work Smarter Not Harder posts right here.


{Photo credit: averyhouse}