My New Video! Match Frame Creative


My first video!

I am so pumped today guys I cannot even stand it! If you recall a few weeks ago, I shared a little video was in the making . Katharine and I collaborated with Match Frame Creative – the most innovative film company I’ve ever seen {in real life that is}. The main idea was to capture our blogs in less than 2 minutes. A little bit of beauty, food, drink, tech, fashion and obviously – Chicago! Us ladies came up with the idea together and let Match Frame take it and run with it. I love it so much but I will let you be the judge! So grab the popcorn {or the coffee} and saddle up folks. P.S. This is what we do all day by the way. In the winter, it’s bon bon’s in bed. Naturally.

So now that you’ve given it a whirl, here is the background story!

A few months ago, Katharine and I met over coffee. We both admitted wanting to do something different that helps us stand out amongst the sea of blogs. Video (significantly trending right now!) immediately came to mind. Given our “About Me” pages are one of the first things readers and companies visit, we thought… why not share a film showcasing what we are all about?!

Our inspiration came from this Kate Spade Instagram. Hint: If you look through the comments, you may just find us! I love how there is no particular story or talking. It’s simply a lovely day but captures the brand perfectly! And I hope that’s why readers come to visit Cedar & Rush. To have fun and grab a few takeaways!

The challenge of lifestyle blogging and video is…how do we encompass so many subjects in one short highlight? Nearly impossible right? That’s when it hit us! Why not a picnic in the park? There’s food, fashion, drinks, the city…everything. Genius I tell ya! We were on a diet during filming – so we limited ourselves to one beverage and main course. With bikini season on the horizon we just couldn’t bring ourselves to include appetizers and sides. So champagne and donuts it was!

The bottom line – we could not have pulled it off without Matchframe’s help. We reached out to them with a simple idea and they made it happen. Not only were they incredibly easy to work with (they are a hoot btw!), but everything fell into place. Like magic. Sure, we may be a little cheesy, but it’s all about showing and telling stories around here. It’s what people remember. And Match Frame knows how to capture and illustrate beautifully. A picture is worth a thousand words but a film is worth a thousand pictures.

If you are looking to incorporate cinema into your business, blog, Kickstarters or even collaborations {which I highly recommend}, give John and Jay a shout. They will knock it out of the park. And be sure to check out their other masterpieces. This one in particular is my favorite! Filmed in Chicago too.

If you missed it, you can check out the behind the scenes footage here. Have you given video a try? Just one more thing right?! But oh so rewarding. Cheers friends!