Happy 4th of July! What are you firecrackers up to? My parents are in town for a little and it’s my niece’s 1st birthday on Saturday. She took 10 whole steps this week! So I could not be more excited.
For those of you who have to work today, here are a few recent favorite finds. Enjoy your holiday and please take a load off!
- 50 FREE online courses for creatives
- 8 things every person should do before 8 am
- A delicious meal when you have an empty fridge (made it last night!)
- I am so excited for this conference!
- Is this where technology and fashion are heading?
- You MUST order the brass pineapple cocktail from this new River North hot spot!
- My new favorite sushi restaurant.
And in case you missed it…
- A vacation destination you would never think of.
- A spin on the birthday candle.
That recipe is so simple–which makes it awesome! I’m a big advocate of recipes that have ingredients you can count on one hand!