If you are new to Cedar & Rush, Work Smarter, Not Harder (WSNH) is a weekly column showcasing Chicago’s leading ladies – think CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and everyday women making a difference – and how they work smarter, not harder. I decided upon Monday so we can kick off the week as productive and as motivated as possible. If you love a particular piece of advice or have any tips of your own, please share by tagging #WSNH2015 on Instagram and Twitter.
I cannot believe it, but I am so honored and over the moon to have Candace Jordan on today’s Work Smarter, Not Harder series! I have been a fan of Candace and her newsletter for years – an event filled writeup showcasing Chicago socialites, hot events, charities, celebs and the who’s who of the Windy City. She has also appeared on three of Chicago’s top 100 lists — 100 Most Powerful Chicagoans, 100 Women Making a Difference and 100 Women of Influence as Chicago’s 100. Just when you think it can’t get any better, her career path will blow your mind. But I will let her share her own story. If you aren’t familiar with Candace, you are in for a real treat today. Candace, the floor is all yours!
Candace, please share your jobs and any other networks and projects you participate in on a regular basis. I’m the social columnist for the Chicago Tribune, author CandidCandace.com, blogger for Chicago Now and an award-winning internet show host for Candid Candace TV (YouTube). I’m also a media personality appearing on local shows as well as The Steve Harvey Show. From time to time, I co-host WCIU’s “You & Me This Morning” as well as appear as a guest.
How did you get to your current position? I owe almost everything to my early collaboration with Playboy. After rejecting a scholarship to St. Louis University (I was valedictorian of my small town’s graduation class in Dupo, IL.), a girlfriend suggested I audition for a job as a Bunny at the new St. Louis Playboy Club. I got the job, shot a “Best Bunnies” pictorial and, shortly after, received an invite to transfer to the hub in Chicago and into the original Playboy Mansion while Hef was in residence. I became Bunny of the Year in 1976, a finalist in the International contest televised live on ABC, appeared on 8 covers (2 U.S., 6 foreign), was the “face” of Playboy’s international key club subscription campaign and was December 1979 centerfold (which was the largest issue at the time).
What time do you typically get up in the morning? I am NOT an early riser and have never been. Nighttime has always been the best time for me so I would say getting up around 9, 9:30 AM is good for me.
How do you take your coffee and what do you typically eat for breakfast? Typically, I’ll eat something light for breakfast like half an English muffin or yogurt with blueberries. When I drink coffee, I use a fat-free creamer.
Quickly walk us through your morning routine: My morning routine consists of kissing the Chihuahuas and Chuck good morning, turning on the TVs and lights and diving into my emails. Coffee and any breakfast items come later.
What is the best way to get your foot in the door of your dream job? Actually, it’s a little bit of all of the above. Being relentless but knowing when to back off is very important. Being flexible and willing to work above and beyond your job description is very good too. And who you know and how well you’re liked is probably one of the most important resources. If you find someone to champion you who’s respected in your chosen field, you are very, very lucky! I had a great agent as a model who always recommended me even if I wasn’t the type requested. LOL! After that, it’s all about knowing how to sell yourself.

What resources do you use to stay organized and remember tasks? I use an old-fashioned, over-sized calendar and depend on my husband’s amazing memory.
What mistake do you see people constantly make that they should be aware of? Forgetting to be nice to the “little people” who one day may be someone you’re interviewing for.
How do you conquer your inbox? Doggedly and relentlessly….I look at my inbox like a nest of baby birds who require constant feeding.
How do you format your emails? I wish I could get straight to the point and avoid idle chit-chat, but I just think it’s rude, so I like to open with a friendly format to set the right tone. It takes more time, but I think it’s worth it.
How do you make time for working out and staying healthy? To be honest, I don’t work out as much as I should. I have no excuses for it since we have a gorgeous work-out room on the top of our building with killer views of the city and a flower-filled outdoor space. I am ashamed but remain hopeful that I will step up my routine. As it is now, I grab time when I can–probably about 2 or 3 times a week.
What are your favorite tips for keeping an organized workspace? I can’t work in clutter so I’m constantly organizing…making piles, filing things away. And I love having a scented candle around me for atmosphere. I also love the view from our library/office windows which makes it nice too. Having an inviting space to work in is soooooo important.
Favorites: Chicago cops and firemen, Midwest values, our lakefront, Southern cooking especially fried green tomatoes, a good book (and reading in bed at night), candlelight, restaurants with a fireplace in winter and a patio in the summer, the French Riviera, Chihuahuas (especially Mickey and Rooney), Chicago Tribune, ALL my jobs, Chicago’s wonderful variety of great charities, cornfields, animal lovers, Playboy (Hef), umbrella pine trees, road trips, street festivals, sweet tea, period films, Pinot Grigio, South Beach, Savannah, good friends (you know who you are), Dupo, IL. (my hometown), our brave armed forces and veterans, Cracker Barrel chicken and dumplings, sunsets, curiosity cabinets, antiques, 19th century paperweights, dimmers for lights.
* Favorite Apps: I love photos so a friend of mine suggested Camera+ to improve the imagery and it’s like magic!
* Favorite Resources: Google, hands down.
* Favorite Books: My husband and I collect rare books and my favorites are my signed British and American Harry Potter books. I also love reading fictional, period pieces –so anything by Phillippa Gregory. I just finished “All the Light We Cannot See” which blew me away. And since I’m a kid at heart and an animal lover, I would put “Winnie the Pooh” on this list, too!
* Favorite Programs: Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Sopranos, Graham Norton Show, CBS Sunday Morning, VEEP.
* Favorite Websites: CandidCandace.com is my FAVORITE! Lol! I love ALL the talented bloggers on Chicago Now.
* Favorite Gadget: Remote controlled candles.
Candace, I cannot thank you enough for being a part of Cedar & Rush today. Taking the time to share your story with us little people, is a true honor! Congratulations on all your accomplishments and looking forward to what you do next.
Friends, isn’t Candace amazing?! If you can’t get enough of Candace and love being in the know, be sure to sign up for her Candid Candace newsletter and follower her on Instagram. See you next week!
P.S. One of my previous WSNH guests, Mariah, is hosting an amazing giveaway this week. Now’s your chance to win a Kindle, Amazon gift card or a free online training session!
Up Next? One of my dear friends, Anna Gendel – the Director of International Treasury for Gogo – a company that provides in-flight entertainment and internet services to major airlines & private jets. (Basically the service that allows you to check your Insta feed even when you’re 30,000 feet in the air!)
Want more? You can find all Work Smarter Not Harder posts right here.
{1st and last photo by Amie Hana}
Inspiring interview from a beautiful lady and Ms. Jordan’s library is to die for!
Isn’t it breath taking? I would love to pretend I am Bell from Beauty in the Beast in there!
These keep getting better and better, Nicole! I love the variety you’re bringing to the blog 🙂 Happy Monday!
26 and Not Counting
Thanks Jess! I try to mix it up. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. xoxo
I love this series, Nicole! It’s so nice to see someone as successful as Candace isn’t a morning person! I’m not either, and it seems like I’m always fighting to become one. I should just own it!
Thanks Lindsay! I too love when successful people aren’t morning people – I will forever be a night owl! Thanks for popping by as always.
What an accomplished lady! And a chihuahua lover too–a woman after my own heart. 😉 Thanks also for sharing my giveaway opportunity this week!