Get a FREE Holiday Personal Shopper

girl holding sugar paper gift boxes from Target

Exciting news friends!

I made a special announcement on Facebook and Instagram Stories last week (where you can get sneak peeks of C&R!). So now I’m making it official sharing it here.

Guys. This is going to make your life SO MUCH EASIER for the holidays. You can attend parties and spend time with loved ones completely stress free. You’ll feel so ahead of the game you’ll have time to make cookies, decorate and do those special traditions that tend to fall to the waist side because we get so bogged down.

The holidays can be wonderful, but they’re also stressful. This year I’m taking one of the most time consuming projects off your plate – completely FREE. Shopping for gifts.

As a reader, you get exclusive access to the Cedar & Rush Holiday Personal Shopping Experience!!!!


You’ll receive a personal and customized gift guide for anyone in your life. Your mother in law, sister, boss, brother in law and even those gifts for yourself (they’re the best!). All you have to do is fill out this questionnaire, then sit back, relax and do nothing at all! In a few days, you’ll receive a direct email with a handful of curated ideas based on your budget and criteria. I’ll also include coupon codes and extra personal touches you can add to the gift!

Pretty awesome right?

Gifts are very personal and everyone has different likes and needs. So it’s difficult to curate a “one gift guide fits all”. Most gift guides feel cliche, which leave you in the same place you started – empty handed! Since I’m constantly browsing the web and bookmarking unique finds already, I thought I might as well turn my online hunts into a resource for you.

I’m so excited to roll this out and hope it does well. In return, I get to learn more about you guys and offer something different from all the other blogs out there. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I’m all ears!

And don’t worry. Regular gift guides will roll out on Cedar & Rush too! I also have a TON of awesome content already in the works for you. Think hostess gifts you can keep on hand; stocking stuffers; a secret White House cocktail recipe; traditions and more!

Can’t wait and here’s to living a stress free holiday!
