How To Afford Fresh Flowers EVERY Week

banana republic factory blue floral dress flower gathering basket


Just when winter feels like it’ll never end, there’s this wonderful precursor to Spring. Which makes you want to keep “fresh flowers” at home all the time.

But fresh flowers cost a lot, they barely last and who has time to tend to them?

I’m here to tell you weekly fresh flowers is more achievable than you think. Here’s how!


banana republic factory blue floral dress

banana republic factory blue floral dress


How To Get Flowers For Cheap:

  1. I shared this on Instagram but here it is again! For the BEST deal on flowers, buy on Thursdays or Fridays. Stores usually get new shipments Saturday morning, so they’re trying to get rid of their inventory the day before. On the flip side, when looking for the best selection, buy on Saturdays.
  2. I personally find Jewel and Trader Joe’s have the BEST deals.

How To Make Them Last: {and it’s not how you take care of them}

  1. Look for lots of buds, not blooms. Most people gravitate towards bouquets with the most flowers. But it’s the complete opposite! Stems with lots of buds {although not as pretty initially} will produce stunning blooms that last and last, saving you money and one less trip to the grocery store. If you purchase bunches that already bloomed, it’s a quick downhill from there.
  2. This goes without saying, but properly cutting, watering and feeding them extends their life too. Set a reminder on your phone to trim, feed and refresh water every two days.


flower gathering basket

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I picked up five bunches from Jewel last Thursday. To say I got my $30 worth of enjoyment out of them is an understatement. This time of year, daffodils, tulips and baby’s breath are quite lovely! And because they’re in season, they’re more affordable.

If all else fails, go the easier route and just wear your flowers. I love this floral frock I scored from Banana Republic Factory for just $44. It also comes in white and I wish I would have seen this dress. If you’re looking for affordable pieces and made of great quality, Banana Republic Factory is my new secret. I just got these slides and this rain coat {size WAY down}. Perfect for showers, luncheons and the upcoming farmers market.

As for arranging them? I’ll refer you to my pal, Lucy who knows a thing or two about that.


P.S. Discover my 7 overnight guest essentials and how to have an effortless morning!


A huge thanks to Banana Republic Factory for sponsoring this post!

The Best Floral Frocks For Spring