Happy Valentine’s Day!

outfit details: heart print dress // Stuart Weitzman Lowland OTK Boots // headband {the rattan is sadly sold out but they have A MILLION darling headbands that are super affordable!}

Happy Valentine’s Day! Do you have plans? Or are you spending it…Gasp! Alone?

Even when I was single, I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day. I know for some this day can magnify you’re not in love or you feel the pressure to quantify your love. But thanks to my mom I’ve always associated this holiday as something light hearted, charming and fun.

When I was young, I remember her giving me a cute Valentine’s Day package. Inside would be filled with heart shaped candies, a fun top or other little tidbits.

I am TOTALLY doing the same for Penelope once she can grasp the concept. Yesterday I took her to Monica & Andy’s Valentine’s Day event {if there’s a store in your area they host the cutest activities! I LOVE their music class}. They served mini donuts, crafts and offered complimentary photo sessions. Can’t wait to see the photos!

As for tonight, Sean and I are doing drinks with friends! It feels like it should be just the two of us, but we can’t wait to get out of the house and have adult convos with other people!

My conversation contribution is minimal these days. When you hang out with a one year old I’ve found I am more of a listener 😉 I will be wearing this exact outfit too. The mini heart print had me at hello!

In other news we are going to Florida next month! P and I are tagging a long on Sean’s work trip then tacking on a weekend to enjoy as a family. I’m slightly nervous as it’s going to be A LOT different from when she was just three months. Any tips? In the mean time I am eyeing all the vacation items out right now! I need new clothes for all the sunshine.

Love you guys and thanks for being my Valentine!

Photos by Chicago Andrea Creative