Thank you note examples, exact verbiage and templates for making a heartfelt note easy and memorable!

I feel like people are really stepping up their game right now. Although this is a hard time, there is also lots to be thankful for. And what better way to show your appreciation than with a thank you note!
Today, I’m kicking off my new etiquette series and I think you guys are going to love it!
Today we’re talking about thank you notes and how to write a memorable one. QUICKLY. I’ve also been wanting to get better at them myself. So this was a great way to streamline my process. So keep this handy the next time you need to show someone some love.
Someone once told me you should NEVER start a thank you note with “thank you”. I agree!
Catching people off guard is a wonderful way to be memorable in my opinion.
So here’s a no fail process for writing something memorable and having a bit of fun too.
Now getting them out in time? Or at all? That’s where I need help!
SAVE THIS POST the next time you’re at a loss for words or writing thank you notes.

Thank You Note Examples & Templates
Let’s live on the edge a little shall we? The more lively or unexpected your opening sentence the better. Here are a few opening lines I’ve used to start out my thank you notes.
Where do I even begin?! As always you are so thoughtful.
What would I do without you?!
You rascal!
Nothing delights me more than knowing…
First and foremost, I’m so grateful for your friendship.
You dirty dog. I can’t believe…
Funny story – I just told my mom I wanted a ____…
How did you know….
Express What You Are Thankful For or Show Gratitude
Be sure to actually say Thank You. It’s easy to get caught up and forget to write the words “Thank you”.
Thank you so much for…
Thank you, it made my day when I opened…
Thank you for coming to ___, I was so happy you could make it.
Thank you, for opening your home to us…
Add Details, The Reason You Are Thankful
How will you use the gift, or display it. If money, tell them how you will spend it. If it was their presence, express how grateful you were that they were there.
Next time I ____, I will be sure to use the ____ you gave me.
I can’t wait to use the money you gave me for ______.
I already wore ____, and received so many compliments.
My jaw hit the floor when I opened the…
I can’t believe you came all that way from ___ just to be with me.
My cheeks still hurt from laughing.
Closing, Looking To The Future
Mention the next time you will see them, or let them know you are thinking of them.
I would love to have you over for dinner next time.
I will always think of you when I see/wear ____.
I can’t wait for you to be a part of baby “___” life.
Let’s get something on the books before we’re up to our ears in diapers/wedding planning/summer mayhem/etc.!
Restate Your Thanks
Add details to thank them in a different way.
Again, thank you for your generosity, I am so excited to buy ____.
I feel so loved you made the trip for my ____. I can’t wait to see you again.
I wear the ____ all the time, thanks again.
End The Note, Sign It
Sincerely is always classic, but here are some other options and fun closings.
With Love,
Many Thanks,
Yours Truly,
Take It Easy,
Have A Good One

Ssssssh! My Little Secret
I know handwritten notes are ALWAYS BEST, but to save time, I’ve been using Postable – printed cards that look handwritten. No buying cards, stamps or dealing with the post office.
If It’s For Someone Important
Another tip (if you’re writing to someone extra special or important), I recommend writing your thank you on a separate piece of paper first in case you make mistakes or want to rephrase.

What Are Your Thoughts?
At the end of the day, getting a thank you note out is a victory in itself. The next time you find yourself having to write one, use one or all these trick or two . Or save this post for later when you need some help! Starting is the hardest part in my opinion.
Do you write Thank You notes? Do you find it rude if someone doesn’t send them? How long is too long to write one?
I personally wish I was much better at writing thank you’s for the little things. When friends do it for me I find it so classy. So I’m excited to step up my game!
In the meantime, see how writing a “thank you” note is this CEO’s secret to success!
For more etiquette tips, click here.
Photos by Chicago Andrea Creative