We are due for a Penelope update don’t you think?!
I can’t believe how much she’s changed since the begging of summer to now! And with Fall on the horizon I’m envisioning new experiences like apple picking, brisk walks and cute boots. {Side Note: New fall arrivals just dropped at Shopbop and sweater weather is calling my name!}.
So I’d say on average, I have about 237 heart attacks a day. Miss P is quite the DARE DEVIL.
She climbs into her high chair all by herself. Leaps from the ottoman to the chair in her room. Goes up and down the stairs all day long. She also shows me her chewed up food every meal. And LOVES balls – specifically basketballs. Torturing Larry (our poor dog) is a favorite past time as well.

On the flip side, she has some softer tendencies. Like draping herself in my dresses. Feeding, rocking and putting her babies “nigh nigh” (AKA to sleep). She also likes rummaging through my makeup bag while I’m getting ready. Rubbing the blush brush all over her face is her favorite {not the cleanest activity for a child but sometimes you’ve just got to get through the moment right?}. She also likes to pick out her dress every day too. I give her two options and she decides!

Right now, I’m taking this short window of opportunity to dress her and decorate how I like. One day she’ll be dictating her own style, but for now I think I deserve it 😉 I birthed her after all!
With the help of our interior designer, Melissa, we made some updates to Penelope’s room since you last saw it! When I first decorated her nursery, we didn’t know the gender. We kept it neutral with lots of opportunity for extra touches – depending if she was a boy or girl.
Since Melissa made some WONDERFUL suggestions that I wish I’d known from the beginning, I thought I’d share them with you! I made some big time party fouls. Haha.
I also wanted to show you easily you can make a neutral room more girly {or boyish} through a child’s accessories and toys alone. It truly makes a difference.

So in no particular order, here’s what we did!
If you need a refresher, you can see what Penelope’s room used to look like here.
- We moved her chifforobe {the most sentimental piece of furniture in her room} from out in front of the window to the corner. Melissa said blocking a window should be avoided at all costs. Looking back I have NO idea why I did this. The light is SO MUCH better!
- For a clean, crisp room, add an air purifier. TruSens gifted us this one but they have different sizes and price points. Although I was excited to try one, I didn’t have huge expectations. Boy was I wrong! We’ve been using it for four months now and when you walk into her room you FEEL the difference. “CRISP” is the first word that comes to mind. With everything going on in the world (not to mention the diaper pale), it brings us a great deal of comfort knowing the air she’s breathing is clean. It comes with a separate sensor pod too, which provides a more accurate reading of the air quality in the room. Due to their popularity, they’ve been completely out of stock BUT just replenished their inventory! So I’d act FAST if you want one because they flew off the shelves.
- Melissa suggested moving the bookshelves underneath the windows so she can actually reach the books. Penelope LOVES picking out her books to read every night and its so fun they’re at her height now. I NEVER would’ve considered using this wall space in a million years! Would you?!
- Add a mobile. We hung ours from the ceiling which draws your eye up, making the room feel bigger. The pink geese are such a sweet touch but if this bow one had been available I would have gotten that one!
- We nestled her bed at an angle in the corner. Again, wouldn’t have thought of that either. Melissa you are a genius!
- Melissa positioned the rocker chair in front of the closet. For some reason, this was initially a concern for me. I remember thinking, “but I need to get in the closet! We can’t possibly put it there!”. Welp… let me tell ya…you can still get into the closet and the chair easily swivels to make more room.
- Pillows are such an easy accessory. Jonathan Adler sadly no longer makes the monogram pillows but there several darling options here. And SewVerySpecial (a monogram Etsy shop I adore!) made the sweetest pillow cover for Penelope when she was born. It’s a PERFECT gift idea for newborns too!
- Books! Books! Books! If you have bookshelves, book covers really make an impact. I know! I know! Never judge a book right?! Well…when it comes to interior design, all bets are off. I love how they easily double as function and decor. I “try” {keyword TRY” to strategically place the “better looking covers” in front. Although nine times out of ten they’re strewn across the floor! Haha.
- Art. We love this piece by Pencil & Paper Co {it comes in every color combo you can imagine!} and the long skinny frame was my grandma’s.
- Toys. Just like books, they make an impact too. So be mindful of what you buy and display. You want to make them count!
- More. A few more easy ideas are crib sheets, curtains, blankets and simply hanging a pretty dress on a door nob can go along way too!
I hope at least one of these tidbits gave you something to consider if you are looking to add a little something extra to a neutral room! Always helps right?
The best thing about this update was how much more functional her room became – for both her and US. It feels so homie and I can tell she’s happy and cozy here! All a mom can ask for right?
If you need some design help with your kids rooms {or ANY room for that matter}, our interior designer, Melissa, is offering AN INCREDIBLE program right now! If you’ve always wanted an interior designer but they’re too expensive, OR if you’ve wanted to dip your toe in the water before hiring one, you will LOVE her program “From House To Home 101”. It averages about $20 a month and you get direct access to her private Facebook Group and resources! She will help you with any home challenge, give you feedback and it’s WONDERFUL. You can learn more about it here! I will tell you though…she just launched it last week and there are only a few more spots left. So if you are seriously considering it, act FAST!
Photos by Chicago Andrea Creative