Reupholstering dining room chairs is a fantastic way to refresh your space without investing in new furniture. Today I’m showing you a sneak peek of ours!

Two years ago, we refurbished two dining chairs with Calico. The transformation was so remarkable we prioritized reupholstering for our new dining room.
I scored ten vintage chippendale dining room chairs on Facebook Market place for next to nothing! They are Drexel (a high quality furniture brand) and worth the update. They just needed some revamping. Insert Calico!

Calico is my go to for all reupholstering projects. Their fabrics are impeccable and they can do just about anything – sofas, cushions, pillows, drapes and MORE. The quality stands the test of time. See how they transformed our family chair, our previous dining room, living room and our cute little breakfast nook.

But back to our chairs…
Reupholstering dining chairs gives you the freedom to select fabrics that match your style perfectly. Ours look brand spank’in new!
Our dining room table is unique in the sense that it’s square. It makes for THE BEST dinner conversation but it’s also big, brown and chunky – not the vibe I typically go for.

So the white frames and colorful chair fabric would play an important role in counterbalancing the overwhelming presence of the table.
When Melissa {our interior designer} stumbled upon this fabric in Calico’s Oakbrook design store, we couldn’t get over it. “It’s very Peter Dunham” she said! Which sealed the deal for me.

Aren’t they the happiest chairs you’ve ever seen?! They are used interchangeably allll the time. My favorite use is Mahjong night. Not to mention the rainbow fabric is a huge hit with the kids.
Let me show you!
I low key loved the yellow but clearly need refreshing. Melissa and I discussed painting the chairs but decided the worn look felt charming and lived in. So we left the frames as is!

Tell me they’re not the same chairs! Pretty remarkable huh?


If you are looking to get a quote on any project, START HERE. Calico’s quoting option (you just send in photos) is the best way and no strings attached. You can also find locations all around the country.
Now stay tuned for the full dining room reveal with Calico! I can’t WAIT to show you.
A huge thank you to Calico for sponsoring this post. And Melissa for her diligent eye for detail.